
New Year's Resolution 新年新希望

今天是2010年的1月1號, What a special day! 若要使用今天的日期來記錄事情就是..20100101..Cool! 即然是一年的頭一天, 新年新希望是一定要的啦!

無論是問自己或別人, 下面二句都適用!

What's your New Year's Resolution?
Have you made any New Year's resolutions?

My New Year's resolution is to...(do...)
I made the New Year's resolution to..(do...)

make a New Year's resolution
keep a New Year's resolution
break a New Year's resolution

無論你是否有計劃新年新希望, 都祝福大家在新的一年平安快樂. 下列的影片包含了上述文字..大力推薦..可以的話..把內容背起來..加油!

New Year's Resolution
It's a promise you make to yourself about what you are doing to do in the following year. It's a decision to make a change in your life for the better.

P.S. 希望=>目標=>計劃

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